Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) H5/H7/H9 Subtype RT-PCR Kit

ViraxVet™ Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) H5/H7/H9 Subtype RT-PCR Kit

We're proud to be distributing our ViraxVet™ avian influenza (AIV) detection kits. 

This kit uses fluorescence probe PCR (RT-PCR) method to detect gene of AIV-H5, AIV-H7, AIV-H9, which is helpful for diagnosis, monitoring and epidemiological investigation of AIV-H5, AIV-H7, AIV-H9 in poultry throat/anus swabs, lung tissue, blood and tissue exudate samples.

Some features of our ViraxVet™ AIV H5/H7/H9 Subtype RT-PCR Kits:

  • Fifty tests per box
  • Lyophilized kit components (PCR reaction mixes, positive and negative controls)
  • Kits require storage at -20°C and must avoid direct sunlight and are valid for twelve months.
Please contact us if you would like to request more details or set up a meeting to speak with our Sales team.